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Often overlooked favorite

The Gunslinger - Stephen King

This book is often labeled as a bit of a slog that first-time readers must traverse in order to access the wonders of mid-world.  I've always been a bit puzzled by this as I find the Gunslinger to be both rich and desolate, full of shocking imagery and a mysterious world that has moved on past civilization.

Back in the day I used to think this book a foreshadowing of Roland's entire quest.  And I still think, at the time, it was intended as such.  Roland alone and wandering after the man in black, once again finding companionship and being faced with the ultimate choice.  Ka-tet or the Tower?  Love or damnation?  This lyrical tale of solitude, desolation, and the damning desire of mortals to know the infninite unknowable coalesces into a classic that transcends genre and becomes all-time-great literature.

Then, of course, the first four books were edited and the last three released.  I can't stand the patois of Mejis making its way into this book, among other annoying alterations.  This is more than slightly reminiscent of late 90's CGI appearing in the original Star Wars movies.  While I can hope for the unaltered versions of both the original Star Wars Trilogy and the first three books of the Dark Tower saga to be released in digital format, I might as well hope to begin excreting golden bricks.  That being said, the core story is still there, full of wonder and hallucinatory mystery.  I highly recommend this book to connoisseurs of fantasy, science-fiction, and generally great literature.